Thursday, November 4, 2010

Toronto and I Are Breaking Up...Officially.

Dearest Toronto,

I am over you. I feel betrayed and used by you, and I can no longer continue on this way, knowing that you just don’t care. Toronto, you are having an identity crisis and I can no longer play along like it doesn’t affect me. I know who I am, and I don’t have to look elsewhere to figure out what I want to look like, how I should act, and how I want to be perceived. I am unique, I am an individual, and I have a flare for life that you are clearly lacking.

Toronto, you suck money out of me as if it grows on trees. I try to treat you with respect by taking the TTC, but you take and take and don’t give anything back. The TTC is crumbling, and it has become common practice in my workplace to use the TTC as an excuse for being late for work. I pay you $121.00 a month, but your subway breaks down and your streetcars and buses are completely unreliable. Sometimes they don’t come at all. The worst part is that you have made a habit of this kind of behaviour. You take my money and you give back little in return. I cannot afford to live on my own here, so I have a roommate. I work for a non-profit, so I’m on a tight budget.  Why would you charge $121.00 to watch me take your ridiculous subway (and fail at it), the one that was built with two lines, one of which is a “U” with the parallel sides running two blocks apart? Who thought that was a good design idea?

I am leaving you because I really can’t stand the fact that you have no culture, no individuality, and your social scene is completely appalling. I went to a fundraising gala, and apparently you thought it was cool to show up just to be seen. How completely shallow of you. You didn’t even know what charity was hosting the fundraiser, and you just looked passed me while I was talking to you, trying to spot anyone you knew.  I will have no part in this behaviour, in this “socie” scene; I have given up trying to fit in with your crowd. I’m breaking up with you because everyone within your circle is absorbed with their phone. Just yesterday, two people bumped into me on the sidewalk while they were texting. On top of that, they were moving in the same direction as I was. Toronto, you have made it so that I can’t say hello to anyone while walking down the street, as it scares people, and makes them feel uncomfortable. God forbid I make eye contact with anyone on your subway. Oh wait...everyone is on their phone anyway.

Toronto, I just can’t understand the new leader you have recently chosen to follow. The fact that Mr. Ford is a leader at all completely blows my mind. I blame uninformed voting and ignorance, and this just goes to show that you are easily influenced and quite passive. Mr. Ford has the maturity and thought process of an adolescent boy and the looks of someone that doesn’t give a damn about health. Good job Toronto, you’re being led by a loud-mouthed, fat-faced fool. I really do want the best for you Toronto, but when you pull a stunt like this, I have no choice but to throw my hands in the air. It’s laughable really.

On the flip side, you do have some great qualities and this is why I have stood by your side for four years, but it’s not worth it for me anymore. I can’t go on like everything is okay, because it just isn’t. When it gets to the point where I'm stressed out about your attitude and your behaviour, and when I've given you numerous opportunities and chances to be better but nothing has happened,  I then close the door and move on. I know break-ups can be rough and awkward at times, and it will be difficult for me to stick with my friends that are a part of your circle, but for my own sanity and growth, I must leave you behind.
Goodbye Toronto, I hope you’re happy and you find what you’re looking for.

Sarcastic branding. It must be.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great piece. Probably, your best work. It's real, emotional and doesn't try to be witty. Good stuff. Keep it going. I love it cause i can relate to it. Damn you TTC!!!
