Monday, November 8, 2010

Dear Mr. Subway Voice,

I am completely perplexed by the fact that I can't understand what you're saying. Ever.

Mr. Subway Voice, why do you only speak in half words? I know that if I'm sitting at one of the few subway stops in the city for more than a minute or so your voice will start up. As soon as I hear you the hairs on my arms stand on end and my blood boils. Why would you even bother talking if nobody can make out what it is you're saying? What may I ask, is the point?

Sometimes I can piece together the meaning of what you're trying to say.
"No serv...Spad...apolo...delay...shut" usually means that there's no service between Spadina and some other subway stop, and that you apologize for the delay and that there's a shuttle service running. "Long... medic em...Younge" usually means that there's a longer than normal wait time for subway service due to a medical emergency at Yonge station. This stringing together of words only happens if I'm lucky though. Most of the time your subway passengers aren't that fortunate when it comes to understanding your announcements.

Mr. Subway Voice, would you please put some money into getting some new speakers? I mean really. Why even bother having the announcer job when it makes your passengers feel more cranky than they already are? When you pipe up after a 5 minute wait and you're totally incomprehensible, it makes me want to climb up to the crackly speaker and yell into it with all my might, "HEY MR. SUBWAY VOICE! WE CAN'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE SAYING"!!!

You make me so angry that I feel the need to drop the "F" bomb.

This morning I actually mimicked you out loud after you spoke, while waiting at Castle Frank station due to another delay. I got a giggle or two from some other passengers so this has become my new coping mechanism in dealing with you. It beats trying to climb up the subway car wall to the speaker and then swearing at you in front of everyone.

Your biggest fan,

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