Friday, November 5, 2010

A Long Time Coming.

Today I'm taking my road test to get my driver's licence, the G2 portion of it. I went to boarding school when I was younger, so I missed out on doing my driver's ed at that time, then I moved to the city for university and never needed to drive. Now I find myself wanting to get out of the city on a regular basis, so it's time to get a move on. It has been a long time coming and finally about 3 weeks ago I was booked to take my road test. This is what happened.

I woke up in the morning feeling well rested and extra chirpy, knowing that I would finally be getting my licence that day. Made my coffee, took the dog out for a walk, I was already feeling very accomplished and successful. Got dressed in my Sunday's best, and headed to work with a smile on my face. My appointment was booked for 3:30pm, and when 1:00pm rolled around, I decided to Google map the location of the drive test. It would take me 27 minutes to get there.

Going through my checklist of what I needed to have with me (of course I did this at 1 in the afternoon from work, as opposed to making sure I had everything prior to leaving home in the morning), it suddenly dawned on me that I didn't have my glasses. My knees went a little weak as the joy and feelings of success drained out of me. Literally, I could feel it all leave me, the chirpiness and the pep in my step was gone. What a complete douche bag. Really? Did you really forget your glasses at home this morning? The frantic rummage through my purse began, out came the address book (yes, I still use a paper address book), my water bottle, papers, my wallet (quick check in the wallet to make sure I actually had my licence with me), my lunch bag, my umbrella, my hand cream, pens, tampons, lip glasses were nowhere in sight. No pun intended.

There was only one thing I could do. Let me ask you, would you be weirded out if you got an all-staff email from a co-worker asking anyone if they had a pair of distance glasses to borrow for a driving test? Well, I sent that good old email out, and I got at least six responses back from people asking what part of the city I would be driving in, so that they could avoid that area. Anyway, a lovely email from one of our VP's ensured I could have her pair of glasses in my pocket or on my face within 10 minutes. So, off I go to the drive centre with a tiny pair of glasses that make me look like a cartoon character, with 1 hour to spare. I got to the drive centre 50 minutes later (Google maps you suck!), got to the counter, and this larger than life man looked at his watch and said I was 10 minutes early. I confirmed this fact with a sigh of relief, then he continued on telling me that I was supposed to be there 15 minutes early to leave some time to process papers. What the..."are you joking?" I asked. Nope, the solemn look on his face clearly told me this was no joke.

In the end, I lost my $40 for the first drive test I booked, and had to pay another $40 to rebook it for today. I also had a week of questioning from co-workers asking how my drive test went, and me having to explain a million times over that I didn't get my licence not because I failed the test but because on that day, I was a failure at life in general. Two good things came of it: I'm now friends with a VP at work, and I haven't left my glasses behind since then.

Wish me luck today.

Update: 5:53pm on the same day

Who knew you needed to provide your own car for the road test? In short, I went to the drive centre well ahead of schedule, glasses on my face, licence (G1) in hand eager to get started. "I'm sorry, you don't have a car? And you're here for the road test? Ma'am, you need a car to do the road test. Is it the actual driving road test you're here for?"
I'm sorry, did I studder? is what I felt like saying, but alas, I just left without saying a word. I don't think I'm meant to have a licence.

1 comment:

  1. Chels,

    I like your writing style. It's witty and punchy where it needs to be. I think the length is great too. Keep writing! You'll be surprised who free it can make one feel.

    Very proud of you.
