
My real first name is Rebecca, but everyone calls me Chelsea. My parents preferred the order of Rebecca Chelsea as opposed to Chelsea Rebecca but in actuality they wanted everyone to call me Chelsea. On top of that, my last name is completely invented. It's a long story.

I started this blog after a horrendous morning that I experienced on the subway. Writing made me feel better after my rage spell so my friends encouraged me to start a blog.

I live in Montreal with my husband, my dog, and my two cats. I used to live in Toronto but I finally got out and made a break for Quebec. I love fruit, colourful clothing and tobogganing.

This blog is about things that have happened to me, little snippets of my life that have made me laugh, cry, scream, swear, smile and every other emotion and facial expression in the book. I almost named it "Rants, Pants and Everything in Between" until someone brought to my attention the fact that the 'Pants' and 'Everything in Between' sounded suggestive.
